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Revision as of 22:37, 21 April 2011 by (talk)
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There are two categories of game settings, a) 'visible' settings which can also be changed by options in the game itself and b) 'invisible' settings which are typically intended to be changed by more knowledgeable users who understand the consequences of changing them and can only be changed by editing the glestuser.ini configuration file in the main MegaGlest directory.

Visible settings

Property Name Default Value Description
AutoMaxFullScreen false When set to true this tells the game to set the video mode to the maximum fullscreen resolution (spanning all monitors)
ColorBits 16
DepthBits 16
DisableBattleEndColorCoding false True tells the game to not use special colour coding in the game end statistics
DisableScreenshotConsoleText false True tells the game to not display an in game message showing where a screenshot was saved
DisableVBO false True tells the game to NOT use Vertex Buffer Objects
EnableTextureCompression false True tells the game to attempt using GPU texture compression for less memory use and better performance
EnableVSynch false True tells the game to enable Verticle Synchronization
FactionPreview true True tells the game to display preview screens of the selected factions in the game lobbies
FactorySound OpenAL The sound API to use, for Windows this includes: DirectSound8, OpenAL or None, for all other platforms: OpenAL or None
Filter Bilinear
FilterMaxAnisotropy 1
FontSizeAdjustment 0 This makes font sizes larger (+) or smaller (-)
Lang english The default language to display game text
MapPreview true True tells the game to display a preview of the selected map in the game lobby
MaxLights 3
NetPlayerName newbie Your Player name for network games
RefreshFrequency 75
ScreenHeight 768
ScreenWidth 1024
ServerIp This is the last Server IP Address that you connected to
Shadows Projected
SoundVolumeAmbient 80
SoundVolumeFx 80
SoundVolumeMusic 90
StencilBits 0
Textures3D 1
UnitParticles true When set to true this enables special graphical eye-candy particles for Units that support them
Windowed false When set to false the game runs fullscreen, otherwise it is a Window on your desktop

Invisible settings

Property Name Default Value Description
AiLog 0 The log level when logging AI (CPU Player) activity
AiRedir false Redirect AI activity to the conole
AllowDownloadDataSynch false Do not use, untested download of network game content
AllowAltEnterFullscreenToggle false When true this allows players to press Alt-Enter to toggle between fullscreen and window mode
AllowGameDataSynchCheck false When true this will check map, tileset and techtree between client and server (for network games) to determine in the lobby if the xml's match or not and display the synch status in the lobby
AnnouncementURL Game related announcements are loaded from the given location and displayed next to the server list.
AutoTest false
CheckGlCaps true
ConsoleMaxLines 7 The maximum # text lines to display in the game text console
ConsoleMaxLinesStored 20 The maximum # text lines to store for recall in the text console
ConsoleTimeout 20 # seconds before text disappears from the Text Console
DayTime 1000
DebugLogFile debug.log This is where normal game debug data will be logged
DebugLogFileNetwork This is where network game debug data will be logged
DebugLogFilePerformance This is where performance game debug data will be logged
DebugLogFileWorldSynch This is where network world synch game debug data will be logged
DebugMode false When true this enables normal debug logging
DebugNetwork false When true this enables network debug logging
DebugPerformance false When true this enables performance debug logging
DebugWorldSynch false When true this enables network world synch debug logging
DEFAULT_HTTP_TIMEOUT 10 This is the # seconds before HTTP requests will timeout
DisableUPNP false Disables attempts to open game ports during game play using universal plug and play for your router
EnableFTPServer true True tells the game that the server can send files (via ftp) to players as requested
FactoryGraphics OpenGL
EnableFTPXfer true True tells the game to allow sending files over networked games between peers
FastSpeedLoops 2
FirstTime false
FocusArrows true
FogOfWarSmoothing true
FogOfWarSmoothingFrameSkip 3
FONT_CHARCOUNT 256 This is the # characters expected for the selected font type
FONT_TYPENAME Times New Roman This is the Font Type to use
FontConsoleBaseSize 18
FontConsolePostfix -*-*-*-*-*-*-*
FontConsolePrefix -*-helvetica-*-r-*-*-
FontDisplayBaseSize 12
FontDisplayPostfix -*-*-*-*-*-*-*
FontDisplayPrefix -*-helvetica-*-r-*-*-
FontDisplaySmallBaseSize 12
FontMenuBigBaseSize 20
FontMenuBigPostfix -*-*-*-*-*-*-*
FontMenuBigPrefix -*-helvetica-*-r-*-*-
FontMenuNormalBaseSize 14
FontMenuNormalPostfix -*-*-*-*-*-*-*
FontMenuNormalPrefix -*-helvetica-*-r-*-*-
FontMenuVeryBigBaseSize 25
FullScreenAntiAliasing false When true this enables OpenGL full screen anti-aliasing
HardwareAcceleration false When true this enables OpenGL hardware acceleration
Masterserver This is the master server location




This is a comma seperated list of allowed External Network ports supported
MaxExploredCellsLookupItemCache 5000 This is the maximum cache size for cell explorered / visible lookup (0 disables)
MaxFrameCountLagAllowed 30 This is the maximum # of network frames that a client is allowed to fall behind before action is taken
MaxClientLagTimeAllowed 20 This is the maximum # seconds that a client is allowed to fall behind before action is taken
MaxUnitSelectCount 16 This is the maximum # of units that can be selected at one time
NetworkConsistencyChecks true When true this enforces client and server to have the same data for network games
NetworkFramePeriod 20 This is the # of frames that commands are sent out for network games
No2DMouseRendering false When true this forces the use of ONLY the operating system mosue (no mouse rendering is done in game)
PhotoMode false When true this disables things like the minimap and chat console text so that nice screenshots can be taken
PlatformConsistencyChecks true When true it enforces the same version to be used for all platforms for network play
PreCacheCRCThread true When true it enables background threads which attempt to update game data CRC values
PrivacyPlease false When true it tells the game NOT to send country information to other players
ServerControlledAI true When true it tells the game that the player's computer hosting the game will control AI players
ServerPort 61357 The port to use when hosting games
ShadowAlpha 0.2
ShadowFrameSkip 2
ShadowTextureSize 512
SoundStaticBuffers 16
SoundStreamingBuffers 4
ThreadedSoundStream false When true this enables sound handling in a seperate thread (offloading some of the work from main game processing)
UserData_Root mydata/ This is the folder where user created maps, tilesets, techtrees, scenarios and tutorials are to be stored. This is the folder where user created content should go meaning game data that does not come with the Mega-Glest install packages. It is very important to keep user data seperate so that users making changes to their user data do not affect their ability to play network games with other players. Each time a network game is played a CRC check is done to ensure all players have the same data so that the game is fair and does not go "out of synch" with each other. User data should use UNIQUE naming and not use duplicate names that are already used in the main Maga-Glest folders. For example the main Mega-Glest folders contain a faction in the megapack techtree called tech. This same techtree and faction combination should NOT be reproduced in the mydata folder.
UserOverrideFile This optional parameter specifies the path and location of the glestuser.ini and glestuserkeys.ini files (if different than the default)
VersionURL Information regarding the currently run game version is loaded from the given location and displayed next to the server list
WarnFrameCountLagPercent 0.65 This is the % of the maximum threshold of the above reached when a client is warned they are falling too far behind

See Also