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MegaGlest settings can be changed by modifying its INI. While there is a glest.ini file in the installation folder, this should not be edited. Instead, edit the glestuser.ini file in the user data folder.
Location of the INI[edit]
Since the user data folder is very variable, the INI can be located in a variety of locations. The glest.ini file tells where it is in the UserData_Root value, and it can be changed by modifying that string. By default, locations include:
Operating System | Location |
Windows XP | C:\Documents and Settings\[User name]\Application Data\megaglest |
Windows Vista/7/10 | C:\Users\[User name]\appdata\roaming\megaglest |
Linux | /home/[User name]/.megaglest |
Mac OSX |
/Users/[User name]/.megaglest Possibly also: /Users/[User name]/Library/Application Support/MegaGlest |
INI documentation ( Properties )[edit]
INI Value | Default | Description |
AiLog | 0 | The log level when logging AI activity. |
AiRedir | false | Redirect AI activity to the console. |
AllowDownloadDataSynch | false | Do not use. Untested download of network game content. |
AllowAltEnterFullscreenToggle | false | When true this allows players to press Alt-Enter to toggle between fullscreen and window mode. |
AllowGameDataSynchCheck | false | When true this will check map, tileset, and techtree between client and server (for network games) to determine in the lobby if the XMLs match or not and display the synch status in the lobby. |
AnnouncementURL | files/announcement.txt |
Game related announcements are loaded from the given location and displayed next to the server list. |
AutoTest | false | |
AutoMaxFullScreen | false | When set to true this tells the game to set the video mode to the maximum fullscreen resolution (spanning all monitors). |
CheckGlCaps | true | Check for a compatible OpenGL version. |
ColorBits | 16 | Number of bits used for the color buffer (also known as the pixel buffer). This determines the number of colors available. |
ConsoleMaxLines | 7 | The maximum number of text lines to display in the in-game console. |
ConsoleMaxLinesStored | 20 | The maximum number of text lines to store for recall in the console. |
ConsoleTimeout | 20 | Number of seconds before text disappears from the console. |
CustomPropertiesSaveAllowed | false | Controls if saving custom menu setups is allowed via hotkey ( only useful for modders ). |
CustomPropertiesUsageAllowed | false | Controls custom menu setups ( only used in full mods ). |
DataPath | Path to the folder where all the game data will be stored (eg: Techtrees). | |
DayTime | 1000 | Length of the day/night cycle in seconds. |
DebugLogFile | The name for a file that will be created containing a debug log. | |
DebugLogFileNetwork | The name for a file that will be created containing a network debug log. | |
DebugLogFilePerformance | The name for a file that will be created containing a performance debug log. | |
DebugLogFileWorldSynch | The name for a file that will be created containing a world debug log. | |
DebugMode | false | When true this enables normal debug logging. |
DebugNetwork | false | When true this enables network debug logging. |
DebugPerformance | false | When true this enables performance debug logging. |
DebugWorldSynch | false | When true this enables network world synch debug logging. |
DEFAULT_HTTP_TIMEOUT | 10 | This is the number of seconds before HTTP requests will timeout. |
DepthBits | 16 | Number of bits used for the depth buffer (also known as the Z-buffer). This determines the distances from the camera objects are and influences shadows. |
DisableBattleEndColorCoding | false | True tells the game to not use special color coding in the game end statistics. |
DisableScreenshotConsoleText | false | True tells the game to not display an in-game console message showing where a screenshot was saved. |
DisableVBO | false | True tells the game to not use Vertex Buffer Objects. |
DisableUPNP | false | Disables attempts to open game ports during game play using universal plug and play for your router. |
DisableWaterSounds | false | True tells the game to not play water sounds when units walk in water. |
EnableColorPicking | false | True enables selection using color picking. This is slower but needed sometimes for buggy gfx drivers ( AMD open source or VMs ). |
EnableFTPServer | true | True tells the game that the server can send files (via ftp) to players as requested. |
EnableFTPServerInternetTilesetXfer | true | True tells the game that the server can send tilesets (via ftp) to internet players (published games) as requested. |
EnableFTPServerInternetTechtreeXfer | true | True tells the game that the server can send tilesets (via ftp) to internet players (published games) as requested. |
EnableFTPXfer | true | True tells the game to allow sending files over networked games between peers. |
EnableGameServerLoadCancel | false | True tells the game to display a cancel button for the hosting user during network game startup. |
EnableScenarioTexturePreview | true | True tells the game to display preview images for selected scenarios (if they exist). |
EnableTextureCompression | false | True tells the game to attempt using GPU texture compression for less memory use and better performance. |
EnableVideos | true | True tells the game to display videos where available. |
EnableVSynch | false | True tells the game to enable vertical synchronization. This can help prevent vertical tearing, but can cause frame rate to suffer if the frame rate is not always above the screen's refresh rate. |
FactionPreview | true | True tells the game to display preview screens of the selected factions in the game lobbies. |
FactoryGraphics | OpenGL | The graphics renderer used to render all graphics. Only OpenGL is still supported. |
FactorySound | OpenAL | The sound API to use, either OpenAL, DirectSound8 (Windows only), or None. |
FastSpeedLoops | 2 | Speed of the game's highest speed setting. |
FileArchiveExtension | .7z | This is the file extension of the default archive format used (currently 7z is used in the release installation). |
FileArchiveExtractCommand | 7z | This is the file extract binary command for the default archive format used (currently 7z is used). |
FileArchiveExtractCommandParameters | x -o{outputpath} {archivename} | This is the commandline parameters to append to the above command. |
FileArchiveExtractCommandSuccessResult | 0 | This is the expected return value from the extract command indicating success. |
Filter | Bilinear | Selects from Bilinear and Trilinear filter. This is the smoothing of a texture when you zoom in or out of its regular size. Trilinear will increase the quality when zoomed more than half or twice the size, as well as perform linear interpolation between mipmaps. |
FilterMaxAnisotropy | 1 | Sets degree of anisotropic filtering, which increases quality from filtered graphics greatly, but is heavy on system resources. |
FirstTime | false | If true, runs auto-config at startup. Don't edit this, this is automatic, and WILL overwrite all other settings. |
FocusArrows | true | Toggles the display of arrows on units showing their target. |
FogOfWarSmoothing | true | Toggles on or off smoothing of the appearance or disappearance of fog of war. |
FogOfWarSmoothingFrameSkip | 3 | Frame skip for fog of war smoothing. Higher makes fog of war disappear and reappear smoother, but uses more system resources. |
FONT_CHARCOUNT | 256 | This is the number of characters expected for the selected font type. |
FontConsoleBaseSize | 18 | Size of the font in the console. |
FontConsolePostfix | -*-*-*-*-*-*-* | |
FontConsolePrefix | -*-helvetica-*-r-*-*- | |
FontDisplayBaseSize | 12 | Size of the font in normal usage in the game. |
FontDisplayPostfix | -*-*-*-*-*-*-* | |
FontDisplayPrefix | -*-helvetica-*-r-*-*- | |
FontDisplaySmallBaseSize | 12 | "Small" font size. |
FontMenuBigBaseSize | 20 | "Big" font size in menus. |
FontMenuBigPostfix | -*-*-*-*-*-*-* | |
FontMenuBigPrefix | -*-helvetica-*-r-*-*- | |
FontMenuNormalBaseSize | 14 | "Normal" font size in menus. |
FontMenuNormalPostfix | -*-*-*-*-*-*-* | |
FontMenuNormalPrefix | -*-helvetica-*-r-*-*- | |
FontMenuVeryBigBaseSize | 25 | "Very big" font size in menus. |
FontSizeAdjustment | 0 | This makes font sizes larger (+) or smaller (-). |
FONT_TYPENAME | Times New Roman | The name of the font to use. |
FTPServerPort | 61358 | The starting port number for ftp clients to connect (data ports for FTP start at this port number +1 to +8). |
FullScreenAntiAliasing | false | When true this enables OpenGL fullscreen anti-aliasing. |
GammaValue | 1 | A multiplier to control the gamma value of the display. This affects the brightness and contrast. For example, if nights appear too dark, you could turn the gamma value up to brighten them. A float value of 0.0 to 3.0. |
HardwareAcceleration | false | When true this enables OpenGL hardware acceleration. |
InternetGamesAllowed | 1 | When 1 you are allowed to play online. |
IRCChannel | #megaglest-lobby | The channel on the IRC server used by the in-game chat. |
IRCServer | | The IRC server used by the in-game chat. |
Lang | english | Language files that will be used for language strings. Will use the language file of the same name in the lang data folder with the *.lng extension. |
LogPath | Path to the folder where all log files will be stored (eg: debug log). | |
MainMenu_buttonMods_visible | true | Whether or not the mod button in the main menu should be visible. |
MapPreview | true | True tells the game to display a preview of the selected map in the game lobby. |
Masterserver | | This is the master server location. |
MaxClientLagTimeAllowed | 20 | This is the maximum number seconds that a client is allowed to fall behind before action is taken. |
MaxExploredCellsLookupItemCache | 5000 | This is the maximum cache size for cell explored/visible lookup (0 disables). |
MaxFrameCountLagAllowed | 30 | This is the maximum number of network frames that a client is allowed to fall behind before action is taken. |
MaxFrameCountLagAllowedEver | 35 | This is the maximum number of network frames that a client is allowed to fall behind before they are disconnected. |
MaxLights | 3 | The maximum number of light sources there can be at one time. |
MaxUnitSelectCount | 36 | This is the maximum number of units that can be selected at one time. Note that this CANNOT be greater than 36, or else MegaGlest can crash. |
NetPlayerName | newbie | The player nickname for network games. |
NetworkConsistencyChecks | true | When true this enforces client and server to have the same data for network games. |
NetworkFramePeriod | 20 | This is the number of frames that commands are sent out for network games. |
NewGame_buttonScenario_visible | false | Whether or not the scenario button in the new game menu is visible. |
NewGame_buttonTutorial_visible | false | Whether or not the tutorial button in the new game menu is visible. |
No2DMouseRendering | false | When true this forces the use of only the operating system mouse (no mouse rendering is done in game). |
PhotoMode | false | When true this disables GUI for enhanced screenshots. |
PlatformConsistencyChecks | true | When true it enforces the same version to be used for all platforms for network play. |
PortList | 61357,61367,61377,61387,61397 | This is a comma separated list of your Internet modem/router ports clients should connect to (to get port forwarded to the respective port on your computer). |
PortServer | 61357 | The port the game will bind to when hosting a game on your computer. |
PreCacheCRCThread | true | When true it enables background threads which attempt to update game data CRC values. |
PrivacyPlease | false | When true it tells the game not to send country information to other players (such as the flag denoting where the server lives). |
RefreshFrequency | 75 | Times to fresh the display per second (hertz). |
SaveGameScreenshotHeight | 600 | Height of the save game screenshot, in pixels. |
SaveGameScreenshotWidth | 800 | Width of the save game screenshot, in pixels. |
ScreenHeight | 600 | Height of the window, in pixels. |
ScreenWidth | 800 | Width of the window, in pixels. |
ServerControlledAI | true | When true it tells the game that the player's computer hosting the game will control AI players. |
ServerIp | The last server IP address that you connected to. | |
ShadowAlpha | 0.2 | Transparency of shadow map shadows. This is a percentage in decimal form where 0 is fully transparent and 1 is fully opaque. Ignored if shadows are disabled. |
ShadowFrameSkip | 2 | Frameskip for shadows. Lower will get smoother shadow movement, but use more system resources. Ignored if shadows are disabled. |
Shadows | Projected | The method of projecting the shadows to use, if any. Either None (no shadows), Projected (fast, but can't project onto other objects), or Shadow Mapping (slow and blocky, but can project onto other objects). |
ShadowTextureSize | 512 | Size of shadow maps, must be a power of 2 but always under the screen size, higher values result in more accurate shadows and slower performance. Ignored if shadows are disabled. If larger than the game's resolution, shadows become buggy and stretched. |
SoundStaticBuffers | 16 | Number of buffers for static sounds. |
SoundStreamingBuffers | 4 | Number of steaming buffers. |
SoundVolumeAmbient | 80 | Volume of ambience sounds such as the chirp of birds from 0-100. |
SoundVolumeFx | 80 | The volume of sound effects such as the clash of swords from 0-100. |
SoundVolumeMusic | 90 | The volume of the background music from 0-100. |
StencilBits | 0 | The number of stencil buffer bits, which can enhance shadow rendering when combined with Shadow Mapping, though are ignored on Projected shadows. Should be 8 or 16 if using, but can be heavy on system resources. |
Textures3D | true | Allows the usage of 3D textures, required for water textures. |
ThreadedSoundStream | false | When true this enables sound handling in a separate thread (offloading some of the work from main game processing). |
TilesetParticles | true | True enables display of particles in tilesets where the tileset uses this feature. |
UnitParticles | true | When set to true this enables particle systems for units that support them. |
UserData_Root | See above | This is the folder where user created maps, tilesets, techtrees, scenarios, tutorials, and user INIs are to be stored. |
VersionURL | | Information regarding the currently run game version is loaded from the given location and displayed next to the server list. |
VisibleHud | 1 | If true, mod-added custom HUD backgrounds will be displayed. If set to false, the custom HUD backgrounds will be hidden. |
WarnFrameCountLagPercent | 0.65 | This is the percentage of the maximum threshold of the above reached when a client is warned they are falling too far behind. |
Windowed | false | If true, the game is windowed, if false, it is run fullscreen. |