MG/Mac Compiling

From MegaGlest
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This page explains how to compile MegaGlest on a Mac computer.


  • XCode
  • CMake
  • Various 3rd party build dependencies
  • GCC (Optional, but may be needed to achieve stable network compatibility for multiplayer games)


Dependencies can be installed in two ways:

  • Retrieve the build dependencies / 3rd party libraries and extract the contents of the archive in your library directory ~/Library/Frameworks


  • Install them using a 3rd party package manager like MacPorts or Fink.

In this example I show how to install the packages with MacPorts which will handle the install of dependencies, and there is a lot of them. Full dependency lists are available on Linux Compiling or FreeBSD Compiling if you would like to install them manually.

 sudo port install git cmake VLC-devel fribidi ftgl glew wxWidgets-2.8 wxgtk-2.8

Configuring Environment

Once wxwidgets is installed you will need to ensure wx-config is in your path. Add the following fragment to ~/.profile or the configuration file appropriate to your shell.

# Add wx-config to path for cmake
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/wxWidgets.framework/Versions/wxGTK/2.8/bin/

Once that has been added you will need to source the configuration file again to pick up the new settings

source ~/.profile

Preparing to compile

However you choose to compile you will need to use Git to check out the MegaGlest source code ready for building.


This can be done in two ways: Using an XCode project or GNU Make

If you change between methods (and if you want to be extra sure your changes are being made between runs) this command will remove previous run/s ouput.

 rm -rf Makefile CMakeCache.txt MegaGlest.xcodeproj/

XCode project

Generate the XCode project (At the moment disabling Map Editor is required for the build to succeed.)


Build everything for Release or Debug (This is case sensitive). Depending on the options chosen above you may need to choose a different option here. EG, doing a debug build without DBUILD_MEGAGLEST_MAP_EDITOR=OFF will fail.

xcodebuild -configuration Release

Generate the installer (This is currently broken!)

cpack -C CPackConfig.cmake

You should have a megaglest-#.dmg file in your current directory. You can install this and play it.

Alternatively you can choose to run directly without installing , see 'Running the game' below.

GNU Make

Generate the Makefile, disabling map editor and turn on binary generation.


Build using gnumake


Running the game

Before running make sure you move the megaglest binaries to mk/macosx and copy glest-dev.ini in to the same directory as the binaries. When moving the binaries they wil end up in different locations depending on how they were built - gnumake will put them in data/glest_game while Xcode will put them under a Release or Debug directory depending on the build style selected.

 mv data/glest_game/megaglest* mk/macosx/
 cp mk/linux/*.ini mk/macosx/

Run it with

 open -F ./mk/macosx/megaglest

See Also