The menu XML defines how the menu screen works. It controls the fog, rain, and water level, as well as the camera positions and angles for each menu option.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<water value="true" height="3" />
<rain value="true" />
<fog value="true" density="0.025" />
<start-position x="5" y="10" z="40" />
<root-position x="-9" y="11" z="10" />
<about-position x="6" y="8.5" z="11" />
<config-position x="4" y="17" z="0" />
<info-position x="5" y="6" z="-5" />
<new-game-position x="12" y="17" z="5" />
<join-game-position x="14" y="15" z="5" />
<scenario-position x="10" y="13" z="2" />
<start-rotation x="0" y="0" z="0" />
<root-rotation x="0" y="-40" z="0" />
<about-rotation x="0" y="-80" z="0" />
<config-rotation x="0" y="-5" z="0" />
<info-rotation x="0" y="25" z="0" />
<new-game-rotation x="0" y="10" z="0" />
<join-game-rotation x="0" y="12" z="0" />
<scenario-rotation x="0" y="-10" z="0" />
<intro-time value="47500" />
<appear-time value="1000" />
<show-time value="1500" />
<disappear-time value="1000" />
<menu-music-path value="/menu/music/" />
<menu-intro-music value="intro_music.ogg" />
<menu-music value="menu_music.ogg" />
<show-intro-pictures value="8" random="true" time="2500" />
<show-intro-models value="true" random="true" min-anim-speed="0.010" max-anim-speed="0.6" />
<start-position x="6" y="8.5" z="11" />
<start-rotation x="0" y="-80" z="0" />
Toggles and sets the height value, in game tiles, of the water. Each game tile is equal to roughly 1 tile in Blender. If the water is turned off, exclude the height value:
<water value="false" />
Toggles on or off rain. There is not yet a method of adding snow.
Toggles and sets the density of fog. The density is the thickness of the fog. You cannot yet choose the color of this fog, and it will be rendered the standard grey.
These settings control the position and rotation of the camera for each menu. Positions are where the camera is located in space (in Glest tile units, where one tile is about the same as one tile in Blender, centered to the center of the model), while rotations are degrees in a direction from that position. Because there is no easy way to find out positions and rotations, modifying this is generally an action of trial and error.
All values are stored as x, y, and z. X is the horizontal axis, z is the depth axis, and y is the vertical axis.
Element name | Details |
start-position | Sets the very first position the camera will be in when the game starts. It will not stay in this position and will move towards the root menu position, so this is entirely a cinematic effect. |
root-position | The camera location for the main menu. |
about-position | Position for the about screen. |
config-position | Position for the configuration (options) screen. |
info-position | Position for the info screen (subscreen in the options menu). |
new-game-position | Position for the new game screen. |
join-game-position | Position for the join game screen. |
loadgame-position | Position for the load game screen (GAE only). |
start-rotation | The direction the camera is facing when the program starts, before it moves for the main menu position. |
root-rotation | The camera rotation at the main menu. |
about-rotation | The camera rotation at the about screen. |
config-rotation | The camera rotation at the configuration (options) screen. |
info-rotation | The camera rotation at the info screen (subscreen in the options menu). |
new-game-rotation | The camera rotation at the new game screen. |
join-game-rotation | The camera rotation at the join game screen. |
If true, the GPL logo will be shown at the bottom of the main menu.
These settings control the game intro. Modifying this is generally an action of trial and error. All time values are in milliseconds (1 second = 1000 milliseonds).
Element name | Details |
intro-time | This is the total amount of time that the intro should display before showing the start menu. |
appear-time | This is the amount of time that it will take one line of intro data to fade into display. |
show-time | This is the amount of time that it will take one line of intro data to remain in display after fading in. |
disappear-time | This is the amount of time that it will take one line of intro data to fade out of display. |
menu-music-path | The path to menu music files (relative to data/core/). |
menu-intro-music | The name of the intro music file to play (located in menu-music-path). |
menu-music | The name of the main menu music file to play (located in menu-music-path). |
show-intro-pictures | This node describes how intro pictures should display.
value= number of images to display (using the following path and naming: data/core/menu/textures/intro*.*). |
show-intro-models | This node describes how intro models should display.
value = true (show intro models) or false (do not show intro models). |
Special language strings[edit]
In MegaGlest, several language strings also effect the introduction, which can modify the images, text, and time to display the text/image.
IntroText1=Based on award-winning classic Glest
IntroText2=the MegaGlest Team presents
IntroText3=a libre software real-time strategy game